Nikon Ai AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-ED

[Zoom] Wide-zoom | Standard-zoom | Tele-zoom | High-zoom
[Fixed-focal] Wide angle | Standard | Telephoto | Macro

The Ai AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-ED is not only capable of macro photography from good working distance, but also works in all situations because of the high resolving power required for a macro lens. F4 may sound a bit slow for film users, but now it's no problem thanks to the improved high sensitivity performance of modern digital cameras. In addition, it generates beautiful bokeh and highly resistant to backlight.

( Photography : K & M.Ishizuka / Text : KIMURAX & K )

At the fishing port in the early morning. The diffused sunshine was dying the entire scene with red color. The contrast is great despite the indirect backlight.

It captured each hair minutely and powerfully. Both the contrast and the clarity are very high. And, the sharpness expresses the power of the light.

As we expect from a tele-macro lens, the resolution and acuteness of the dog's hairs are wonderful.

I shot the shadowed water surface by focusing on infinity. This high definition adds to the realistic image.
