As demonstrated in the first report, the X100S expresses highlight tone beautifully and the benefits of the new sensor and image processor are enormous. In this second report, I shot under to test the reproduction of shadow detail and texture. The location was Hokkaido and it was still very cold like in mid winter. In this tough condition, I truly appreciated the camera's interface and performance reflecting what photographers want, including the hybrid viewfinder, the stress-free AF, the high-speed lens, and the excellent high-sensitivity performance. Switching menu is easy and exposure compensation can be changed smoothly with the dial on the top cover. Such operability isn't realized if the manufacturer cannot imagine how we use a camera. We love a camera when it operates in a manner we need at the location.
( Photography & Text : T.Nakanishi )
A cold blue-tinted outside view from a warm room. I shot wide open to fully utilize the ND filter. The sharpness isn't extremely high, but the wonderful 3D separation adds to the taste of the image.
The sun is just behind the street lamp. The calm sky tone represents the dramatic improvement of digital cameras. I personally feel it's very similar to the tone of a film.
Snow is sometimes beautiful and sometimes severe. In a land of snow, people live in a fine line between beauty and fear. Anyway, how about the texture reproduction? I think it expresses the coldness of the snow covering the wood deck.
When it's sunny, the shady area becomes blue-tinted. I was curious to see the color reproduction with this condition. To me, it looks natural. I believe each manufacturer has own philosophy in tuning sensors and white balance. This output is something that only a film manufacturer can deliver.
The bench is colorful like marble chocolates, but it adds to the desolated mood of the unmanned station. So, I shot under to express the mood. The X100S's sensor appears to match the subject in dense colors.
The lighting at the cafe was almost natural. I shot with the macro mode by stopping down slightly. The focal peak is very sharp while the foreground and background are defocused smoothly and beautifully. Don't you hear the popping sound of the steamed milk?
Another shot with the macro mode. The soft rendition wide open is convenient for soft expression.
I was also very curious about the night shots taken with this camera because of the high-speed fixed-focal lens and the outstanding high sensitivity performance of the sensor. I used ISO400 for this shot and the camera wonderfully captured the warm light in the blue moment right after the sunset. With this output, how can I complain?
ISO800. I notice some noise if I look meticulously but it's almost negligible. It perfectly captured the dim light.
ISO1600. The shadow noise becomes more visible, but it adds to the taste of this night shot because it looks like film grains.
This camera does an excellent job in reproducing tones from highlight to shadow, and it holds the tone very well. And, it's so good at dealing with the borderline between the holding point and the clipping point. I believe this is something only a film manufacturer can achieve. Just like changing films, you can use a variety of expressions from high-key to low-key, and I'm not exaggerating. Together with the lens that changes rendition according to the aperture, this camera shoots like a film camera. It's worth the investment and truly captivating.