The former model, GM1K made its debut as the world's smallest interchangeable-lens digital camera. Despite the tiny body, the image quality rivaled other Panasonic models. The new GM1SK is an update to the GM1K and it comes with new colors. The major updates include "snap movie mode" which enables short movie production, "creative control" or the filter effects available in PSAM modes, and QR code indication which facilitates Wi-Fi connections with smartphones. In this report, I tried the filter effect and will show you how it worked in the latter half. Actually, the above image was shot with the "fantasy" effect. Even though I shot in the afternoon, it looks like a soft morning shot. How cool is that!
( Photography : A.Inden / Text : 4beats )
Let's start with a high contrast scene. Although the reflected sunshine on the building is blown out as expected, everything else is reproduced minutely. Also, the shadow area under the highway has a good tonal gradation without being painted in black. The reflection on the water surface looks massive and has rich tonal gradation.
This is also due to the oblique light, but the smoke has a great 3D quality. Just like the GM1K, you can depend on the picture quality.
The long evening light creates clear light and shadow and it makes familiar scenes look completely different. And, such scene can be captured only if you carry a camera. And, you always want to carry a camera only if it's handy.
The handrail has layers of paints. The door lost the paint and it's rusted. The image expresses the passage of years by faithfully depicting the texture of the thick paint and the rusted door.
Now, let's talk about the creative control. I set the exposure mode to aperture priority AE and the exposure compensation to -1.6 steps. In addition, I chose the "impressive art" to dramatize the ordinary quiet port. The ability to add the filter effect even when changing exposure settings inspires creativity.
I compensated exposure by +1.6 steps and used the "toy photo." I guess it changes the amount of vignetting, contrast, and saturation. This effect makes daily scenes look happy.
The last one is "dynamic monochrome" and it generates rough grains. I compensated exposure by -2.3 steps to realize the sky tone and to blacken the front. In this effect, I think extreme exposure setting works better. Because, the GM1SK saves the original image, you can play with the effects as much as you want.
Another portable interchangeable-lens camera has arrived.
It's so tiny. Period. And, it has many advantages. I'm repeating what I said in the GM1K shooting report, but that's simply because this is almost the same camera, which means it's a great tiny package that draws the world with a great tonal gradation. And, the kit lens is designed exclusively for the body both in terms of appearance and the image quality.
The model comes with two new colors which are fewer than the predecessor's four. Disappointed? You shouldn't because it's now easier to make a choice. It's pop blue or chic brown, and they are both nice. Wait, you may still have a hard time choosing from them because they are both so attractive. The appearance is both classical and modern and the machined aluminum dial on the top cover will make you feel happy to own and use. The body is made from magnesium alloy and it's both light and sturdy. And, the 3-inch electrostatic rear monitor (1040000 dots) can be used just like a smartphone.
Overall, it was so much fun to shoot with this camera and play with the easy-to-use creative control. And, this camera must be great for travelling, too. Wherever you go, bring this tiny camera and enjoy the DSLR image quality everyday.
( 31.10.2014 )